Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Many years ago, when I was a kid, (more years than I care to remember). One of our favorite games was marbles. I feel bad for the kids of today that can’t know the sheer elation of scoring a PUREE in a bag of random marbles your dad brought home as a gift on pay day. Or getting a STEELIE (glorified ball bearing) from your granddad. Cats eyes were pretty but fairly common. Most of the time you had those with color and design that looked like old pajama tops.
You would deposit your collection in an old sock and head out, late the games begin. Drawing a circle in the dirt or in the alley with a piece of chalk, the other boys would show up. Placing a marble apiece in center circle, you chose shooters and one by one would try to knock out the other marbles, when they were gone, each boy placed another marble in. A bad shooter or one with not allot of marbles would stuff sock in pocket and watch the competition.
Sometimes one guy would have most of the marbles and decide to quit, take his marbles and go home, thus ending the game and spoiling it for everyone.
The Wisconsin Democrat Senators remind me of those spoiled kids, they lost a fair election, the government must continue to try and solve these common problems, yet they run and hide, taking their votes with them. They are being paid to work, they are expected to do what they were elected to do, yet they take their marbles and run and hide.
What kind of example are they setting for those coming behind them. This type of activity is killing our republic. What does it show the children?
Kind of like CHURCH SPLITS! It may not always go our way, but we need to MAN UP, (pardon me ladies) and get the job done!
That’s this month’s rant from Rich